PSE News
PSE Inspires Future Engineers at UCSD’s Career Fair
PSE returned to UC San Diego for the annual Structural Engineer’s Day Career Fair. Associate Project Manager, Rachelle Child, PE and Project Engineer, Megan Engle represented PSE for the day, showcasing a few of [...]
PSE Works Towards Ending Water Poverty
As a San Diego Committee sponsor, PSE attended Water for People's 13th Annual Luncheon Fundraiser. PSE Vice President, Galit Ryan, PE, Senior Project Manager, Joe Wendt, PE and Project Engineer, Megan Engle participated in [...]
2024 ACEC San Diego Golf Scholarship Fundraiser
PSE participated in the ACEC CA San Diego Chapter and The City of San Diego Engineering and Capital Projects Department's annual golf tournament. The event marked the 23rd annual tournament with all proceeds allocated [...]
Roof with a View: Renton, WA Steel Water Storage Reservoir
Not only does the 1.29 MG steel water storage reservoir in Renton, Washington showcase a beautiful mural, its roof (towering at a height of 100’) has quite the view of the Puget Sound. The [...]
PSE Presents at American Water Works Association ACE24
It was a full room at the American Water Works Association ACE24 last week to hear PSE’s Senior Project Manager, Ethan Alton, PE, SE’s presentation, Building the Tallest Prestressed Reservoir on the West Coast. [...]
PSE Volunteering in the Community
We love to see our team volunteering in the community! Thank you to Veronica Vest, PE and Anna Herren from our Portland office who recently made use of PSE’s Volunteer Time Off program at [...]
Rockwood Water Cascade Reservoir #2 Wins ACEC Oregon 2024 Grand Award
Congratulations are in order to the Rockwood Water Cascade Reservoir #2 project team! The project is a recipient of the ACEC Oregon 2024 Engineering Excellence Grand Award. Peterson Structural Engineers is proud to be [...]
From Student to Professional: A Chat About Navigating the Transition
There are various factors to navigating the transition from student to industry professional, and thanks to Dr. Nirmala Gnanapragasam, Ph.D., P.E, Associate Professor at the Seattle University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, students receive [...]
AWWA Annual Fall Conference 2023 Recap
Many thanks to our Senior Associate, Tom Bloomer, P.E. (pictured left) who co-presented with John Thayer, P.E. of Consor Engineers at the California-Nevada Section American Water Works Association Annual Fall Conference. The presentation highlighted the diving [...]
San Diego Team Helps Water for People Fundraiser
As part of the Volunteer Time Off program at PSE, members of our San Diego office teamed up to help assemble pistachio nut baskets for the annual California-Nevada Section American Water Works Association [...]
PSE Project Featured as ACEC Oregon Engineering Excellence Spotlight Submission
ACEC Oregon's annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) competition recognizes engineering firms for projects that demonstrate an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, achievement, and value. PSE was proud to see our entry for the Rockwood [...]
PSE to Present at the AWWA Annual Fall Conference
We are excited to have Tom Bloomer, PE co-present with John Thayer, PE of Consor Engineers at the California-Nevada Section American Water Works Association Annual Fall Conference this month. Attendees will learn about [...]
Tunnel Hill Reservoir Named 2023 Three-Time Award Winner
We are honored to have provided structural engineering design for the Helix Water District Tunnel Hill Facilities Rehabilitation Project. This project recently received three awards: AWPA San Diego County Chapter 2023 Honor Award, [...]
Lending a Hand at PWX 2023
San Diego team members Galit Ryan(right), and Andrew Wiese(left) were happy to volunteer at Public Works Expo this week! The annual American Public Works Association National Conference was held in downtown at the San [...]
Summer Fun and Cornhole!
The APWA San Diego County Chapter held a Summer Social event last month, bringing together San Diego's public works and engineering community. The sold-out event attracted more than 300 community members for an [...]
Out with the Old, In With New Infrastructure
Congratulations to the City of Kennewick, WA on the completion of their new 6.0 MG prestressed concrete tank. The new water storage reservoir replaces the City’s previous aging infrastructure, which was built in the [...]
2023 ACEC California Legislative Visit Day Recap
Sr. Vice President Galit Ryan recently participated in this year’s American Council of Engineering Companies of California Legislative Visit Day. On May 10th, Galit and nearly 80 attendees from member organizations throughout the state [...]
PSE President Volunteers with Future Engineers
We love to see our team in the community! PSE President, Travis McFeron, recently volunteered to conduct a STEM presentation at a local elementary school. Travis facilitated a hands on project for students to [...]
San Diego Walk For Water 2023
Big thanks to our San Diego office for their continued participation in the Walk for Water hosted by the San Diego Committee of Water For People. The annual event consists of a 3 km [...]
UC San Diego SE Career Fair 2023
PSE was excited to be back on campus at UC San Diego for the in person SE Day, the UCSD Structural Engineering Department's Structural Engineer’s Day Career Fair. Big thank you to the students [...]
Giving Back Through Trail Work
Vashon Island, Washington trails are being expanded thanks in part to PSE's Project Engineer Mackenzie Lostra, PE! Mackenzie volunteered to help build a new trail connection at Island Center Forest. The new trail build [...]
PSE Announces Leadership Team Transition
After 26 years of leading Peterson Structural Engineers, Erik Peterson, PE is passing the title of President & CEO to Travis McFeron, PE, SE who has been with the firm for over 20 years. [...]
Supporting the 2022 Water For People Nut Basket Fundraiser!
Our San Diego office staff Auzrey Sanchez, Tom Bloomer, P.E. and Galit Ryan, P.E. volunteered as assembly elves for the 2022 California-Nevada Section American Water Works Association Water For People Nut Basket Fundraiser. Together [...]
ASCE San Diego YMF Cornhole Tournament
PSE was happy to participate in and sponsor the recent ASCE San Diego YMF Cornhole Tournament with proceeds benefiting Habitat for Humanity. Thanks to Sr. Project Manager, Joe Wendt, PE and Staff Designer, Maggie [...]
San Diego Coastal Cleanup Day 2022
Our San Diego office recently participated in the "I Love a Clean San Diego" 38th Annual Coastal Clean Up Day. Big thanks go out to Maggie Peterson, EIT, Elizabeth Butler and Tom Bloomer, P.E. [...]